
Law no. 179/2017, titled "Provisions for the protection of authors of reports of crimes or irregularities they become aware of in the context of a public or private work relationship," provides for companies that adopt an organization, management, and control model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 the obligation to include in the provisions of the said Model measures related to the submission and management of reports.

Reports may concern the commission or attempted commission of one of the crimes contemplated by Legislative Decree 231/2001, or the violation or fraudulent evasion of the organization, management, and control model, the Anti-Corruption Guidelines policies, and the Code of Ethics adopted by U. Del Corona & Scardigli S.r.l.

The Company does not accept "anonymous" reports, meaning those without elements that allow the identification of their author. Therefore, providing one's data by the reporter is mandatory for the report to be considered by the Supervisory Body. The data provided must be relevant to the purposes of the report, so the Supervisory Body will be free not to follow up on reports concerning conduct or subjects unrelated to the obligations arising from Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Disciplinary sanctions are envisaged for those who make reports in bad faith, with malice, or gross negligence, which prove to be unfounded.

To facilitate the submission of any reports regarding the above violations, the Company has established a dedicated communication channel with the Supervisory Body at the email address: odv.segnalazioni.dcs@gmail.com.

Access to the said email address is reserved for the Supervisory Body, which ensures the receipt and analysis of each report by applying criteria of maximum confidentiality suitable, among other things, to protect the honor of the reported persons and the effectiveness of the investigations.

Reports can be made using the form downloadable from this page, at the bottom of which are specified the instructions for completion and submission, as well as the confidentiality protection rules for the reporter provided by current legislation and specifically regulated with an appropriate internal procedure that is part of the Model 231 adopted by the Company.